Dr. Jeffrey James & Associates

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Susan E

“I was treated with SoftWave for my knees and was treated on the decompression table for herniated disks. The treatment really works! I am much better than when I first walked into the office.

Before, I couldn't walk without excruciating pain. I thought life as I knew it was now limited to experiencing just pain.

All that has changed. I can now walk and grocery shop and am looking forward to hiking again.

The staff is extremely kind and very knowledgeable with every piece of equipment in the office. I have been impressed with how the staff handles every situation in a professional manner, no matter if the client is kind or even rude. I have seen Edward and Mackenzie many times handle situations with exemplary kindness and their communication skills and patience are incredible.

I recommend this office.”

Susan E, Joint Pain & Disc Herniation